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Murdoch’s Attack.

So, Rupert Murdoch, the Fox Media Mogul and center of the ongoing phone hack scandal, was attacked at his hearing, approximately 10 minutes ago. A man walked up to 80-year-old Murdoch and hit him with what looks like a pie in his face. Wendi Murdoch, Rupert’s wife, got up and slammed the attacker. The British police arrested the attacked.

So when did pieing someone in the face result in arrest?
And how come the media is not in a frenzy over the fact of the whistle-blower of the hacking scandal is dead? The police say it’s coincidence but how can you trust Scotland Yard and the British police when the chief resigned over this scandal?

I wish I had more power as an aspiring journalist to go after this case. So interesting! Plus, even tough I’ve pretty much made it clear my distaste for Fox News, i believe I can write as neutral as a story as possible.

This is truly developing like a Watergate scenario.

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