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Archive for May 24, 2011

Grades are in…

And I did really well in all my classes.  I actually did better than I thought in my J2 class, guess my professor saw my growth during the semester.  I’m ready for big things this summer.

Yesterday was really hectic for me, I woke up early for an internship interview.  However, as soon as I woke up my mom told me my dad needed to be taken to the hospital because he was injured at work.  He’s okay, thank god, but it was hard to keep a clear mind during the interview.  I think I did really well in the interview.  If they do hire me, it probably won’t be until next month and I’d be a blogger for an entrepreneurial internet company.  I’m looking for experience, because it will give me a leg up when I graduate.

I also feel like its been a slow news week.  Any big stories I should be interested in?